1 Lavender / Purple Phalaenopsis Arrangement in Ceramic Pot (HONOLULU DELIVERY)
1 Lavender / Purple Phalaenopsis Arrangement in Ceramic Pot (HONOLULU DELIVERY)
Delivery in Honolulu from Salt Lake to Hawaii Kai.
*Ceramic pot design and color will vary for each arrangement.
This is a very popular gift giving idea in the floral industry. Because the orchid blooms can last up to 2-3 months or longer, these custom orchid arrangements are quickly overtaking the standard short lasting cut flower gifts. Our design staff will artistically ARRANGE AND SELECTCT ONE LAVENDER / PURPLE Phalaenopsis in a decorative ceramic pot. Your arrangement includes all the holiday or special event trimmings. Trimmings include: ribbon, butterfly, decorative moss and greenery and gift card.
*Please place orders in as early as possible (especially during Christmas and Mothers Day).